Hi I am David the Bunker's Family Dog... Nice to Meet You!

Hello New Buddies, I am David. It is nice to meet you. I got lucky years ago and got adopted by my family. It was the best (and scariest) day. It took me a while to warm up to my family. But, are they PAWtastic and never stopped loving me. I had been living in my new home and loving on my new family for almost a year when mom and the kids realized something was going on with me. I was not feeing well, had no energy, got sick a lot, and so many other things. She took me to the vet and after many tests they discovered I have an autoimmune disorder. Of course, I am not sure what that means. But, mom does and that is all that matters because she got me the best care possible. We went to multiple vets and tried a lot of gross medicine. 

The one medicine that worked was a special steroid shots. I got them often and before too long, my body started to feel better! The shots were needed for a long time and they started to make my skin crack and hair to fall out. Some days were painful and I did not feel good. My sisters worked with me on my diet and physical therapy. Mom and dad looked for skin care products to pamper me with. My brothers snuggled with me. After mom tried a lot of products, she was frustrated. She and my brother, Freddy, put their heads together and created my products... talk about loving me! The best part was the products started to help me fast. My paws and nose stopped cracking, my hair was getting thicker, my ears were not itchy, and I was able to start going outside again for walks and to play! 

Mom and Freddy decided to start sharing my products with our friends. From there, a lot of people wanted to try them. So, we said hello to Hello Buddy. I am so excited that my products are helping other pups like me! 

Mom says all the time that these products made my life better and happier. She is right. If you have a pup that is struggling with skin, hair, or grooming issues give my products a try. No dog should be struggling with these issues when we are here to help you! 

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